Join the League of Women Voters of Chaffee County to keep abreast of political activities and to weigh in on issues such as healthcare, affordable housing, climate change, and transparency in government. Be part of a conversation that respects individual points of view, contributions and experience. Use this local opportunity to create positive change in Chaffee County, Colorado and the United States. Join our community’s women and men in making democracy work!
All LWVCC Members, please use this
Member Portal to update your account and profile.
Join or Renew Online Here. Beginning February 3, 2025, all dues will be paid to the LWV United States (LWVUS) and collected through ChapterSpot, a LWVUS site. LWVUS recommends members across the country pay $75 or more but has added an option for members to pay any amount with a minimum of $20. It is easier than ever to join the League and participate in its vital work.
If you wish to pay by check, please pick up a form at a meeting or download and print
LWVUS Membership Form-Print. Write a check to LWVUS and mail the form and check to LWV Chaffee County, 29805 US HWY 24, PMB #145, Buena Vista, CO 81211.
There are two membership categories, Member and Lifetime Member (50+ year member).
Household and Student memberships are no longer available, but everyone is invited and encouraged to join individually.
Renewals- Members will receive a notice before their membership expires with information about renewing.
When joining, your dues include membership in the League of Women Voters United States, League of Women Voters Colorado and League of Women Voters Chaffee County. Your voice will be heard at all three levels. Three memberships for one price, and you will be helping the Leagues continue to empower voters and defend democracy.
LWV Chaffee County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Your membership dues are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.